Hood Cleaning
We provide our customers with a complete top to bottom kitchen exhaust cleaning service which focuses on work ethic and integrity. “Top to bottom” means not just shining the hoods but ensuring a complete cleaning/removal of grease in the ductwork system and the rooftop exhaust fans. This industry’s service providers have notoriously failed to clean the “complete kitchen exhaust system.” This is extremely dangerous as it leaves fire hazards and life safety liabilities in heavily neglected ductwork. We use state-of-the-art, custom-designed equipment made exclusively for kitchen exhaust system cleaning. We ensure your system is safe and compliant with NFPA 96.

Horizontal and Vertical Ductwork
The majority of our new customers have system ductwork that is extremely neglected with heavy grease build-up. Dependable Hood & Duct has a proven, systematic method of correcting neglected systems and bringing them up to NFPA 96 Fire Code Standards. Furthermore, strategic placement and installation of access panels on horizontal ductwork, rounded elbows, and at all changes of direction are critical for complete access to neglected and difficult to reach areas of the ductwork.
Filter Cleaning
NFPA 96 Fire Code Standard compliant (frequent and consistent) filter cleaning continues to be difficult or impossible for commercial kitchen mangers to accomplish. Industry history shows that this #1 fire hazard and liability needs to be brought under control by the following:
- We have found that consistent maintenance is the exception to the rule, and we understand why. Operating a commercial kitchen is a difficult management process to begin with. Therefore, proper filter maintenance tends to be neglected because operators often don’t understand the serious life safety and fire hazard liabilities per NFPA 96.
- In-house filter maintenance is costly to the operators due to labor, liability, and the large volume of grease that collects in the grease trap collection systems. These are just a few of the larger expenses involved with in-house filter maintenance.
- The EPA is closely monitoring and enforcing commercial kitchen operations due to the heavy grease load on wastewater treatment facilities across the United States. On-site filter maintenance is the number one contributor. Dependable Hood & Duct offers the first program of its kind in New England with our FilterShine New England (sister company) filter exchange program.

Solid Fuel System Brushing/Chimney Sweeping, Cleaning

Exhaust Fan Cleaning
We clean and/or inspect the entire kitchen exhaust system including: Rooftop, Wall-Mounted, and inline fans to ensure compliance with NFPA 96 Fire Code Standard. Inspecting fan belts and bearings also provides a periodic maintenance checkpoint to stay ahead of failures and costly downtimes during high volume cooking times.
Compliancy and Deficiency Corrections
Code compliant frequency evaluation and implementation including:
– In hood corrections (such as light globes, grease cups, and filter replacement)
– Strategic access panel placement and installation
– Fan access panel and hinge kits installation
– Periodic fan belt adjustment
– Exhaust fan bearing greasing
Exhaust Fan Grease Containment
We provide an extensive grease containment service including:
– Installation and maintenance of grease collection devices
– Installation and periodic replacement of Filter media and grease pillows
– Design and install custom grease containment devices
Get started with your
Free survey/inspection estimates are provided within 60 miles of Manchester New Hampshire. Outside of 60 miles is at our discretion or over the phone with customer provided pictures and information.